Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Final Debate

Tonight, starting in about an hour, is the final debate between Barack Obama and John McCain.   Obama has everything to lose, and McCain everything to gain.  Obama leads on almost every major issue and dominates most 'battleground' states.  Essentially, he's going into this debate not to win, but to not lose.  He'll say what he's been saying for 20 or so months, and as long as he doesn't screw up he's in the clear. McCain, for his part, will have to propose something radical to even have a chance at swaying voters.  It's not enough for him to be adequate, or even stellar.  He has to bring something completely new to the table - and this debate will be held at an actual table, as opposed to others where the candidates were made to stand.  The debate tonight will be about mainly domestic issues, and the economy will certainly be discussed - today the Dow Jones industrials lost 733 points, their second largest loss ever.  All other major indexes are down at least 7 percent. We'll see how this turns out.


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