Tuesday, October 14, 2008

ACORN Commits Voter Fraud With Obama's Donation

The super leftist group ACORN(Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) has registered over 1.3 million voters. All of which will be voting democrat, which gives Obama more votes. Its clear ACORN doesn't want another republican in office, and they've gone to registering some voters not once, or even twice, but 72 times in order to acheive that. When these potential voters were confronted by police, they said that ACORN had promised them a cigarette for each time they signed up. Alright, so people are caught up in the political fever and what not, ACORN ill get punished i assume and the election will resume as usual. Not so. this situation provided a perfect attack at Obama. if you had read the actual name of the orginazation, its community organizers. hmm, Obama was a community organizer whose been associating with this group since the 90's. still no big deal really. But, just this year, 2008, the Obama campaign donated 800,000 dollars to ACORN, which according to Obama was used for lights, and chairs and other stuff..whatever that means. when questioned further, it was discovered that the money was used for "registering voters". hmm, i wonder how much of the Obama campaigns money was used to buy cigarettes as bribes to vote for Obama?

Im not suggesting that Obama had anything to do with the Fraud, but im curious to see how it plays out. its an issue McCain can and probably will bring up in ads, rallies, maybe the debate even. I wonder how Obama will react, since he wont want to seperate himself to much from ACORN, but at the same time he'll want to make it a point he doesnt approve of voter fraud.

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