Monday, November 17, 2008
Ron Paul for Most of the Cabinet
Sunday, November 16, 2008
60 Minutes Obama Interview
I came to the conclusion that it must be a very awkward time to do interviews for Obama. He is not president yet, so he doesn't have any control, so when discussing policy, he still has the same material from the campaign trail. so theres nothing new there. furthermore, any decisions about his cabinet, he's obviously not going to discuss in detail, so he's limited in his speaking on that topic too. Overall, right now, he's just getting briefed about security info, and finding cabinet members, so theres not a whole lot of things to say in a big interview. in conclusion, i wonder why 60 minutes picked to do such a comprehensive interview at this stage in Obama's presidency? wouldn't they have realized there wouldn't be anything new to discuss?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
One President at a time. C'mon, do we have to? Really?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Obama Plans to Overturn Bush Decisions
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Whats China Stimulating?
in America, we sent money straight up to people to increase spending. April and May people got their checks, and when the economic reports came out, spending was significantly up, thus business spending was up, and that lead to more money circulating, and the stock market being up. Now we obviously cant do that all the time, but it is very helpful.
i dont understand why China doesn't just do that. They need to increase spending NOW. They cant wait around, there GDP is dropping hard. They've cut their growth rate from 12% a year, to 4%.
A stimulus package similar to ours would make the most sense to me, but apparently Hu Jintao knows something i don't. i hope it all works out for them, because it their stock market/economy crashes, the US will be deeply affected no matter how well Obama does here.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Help Me - You're My Only Hope
ps - I really like that dance move he does at the end of the interview.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Jim Cramer For The Economy!!
well, Jim Cramer made it perfectly clear today on his show Mad Money(excellent show, on from 6-7 on cnbc) that he would like SEC commision chairman, Federal Reserve chairman, and Treasury Secretary. not too much to ask right? i mean, he just wants to be in total command of the economy? i actually like that propisition. Jim Cramer should be in charge of all things economic. he's arguable the smartest person in the stock market, and he would easily do better than Ben Bernanke( Federal Reserve), and Chris Cox(SEC). Anyway, the thing is Jim wasn't kidding when he was saying he wanted to be in charge of everything. so therefore, he explained to the viewers how he could fix most of our issues in 4 days.
day 1) Fix the auto industry, which is going to need a bailout within the next year. he see's opportunity to help America while at the same time, making a SAFE loan, which will be better off in the long run.
day 2) He'll solve the energy crisis. BAM. that easy. the US has a surplus of Natural Gas which will last forever (long enough where its not an issue). no one talks about Natural Gas, honestly i dont know a lot about it. i believe its related to oil, but the US has even more of it than oil, and its cleaner than oil. We will be able to use natural gas and oil to create drilling jobs, and keep energy in the US and not have to use all kinds of crazy alternative energies which aren't ready to be fully implemented.
day 3) stop immigration deportation. Illegal immigrants cant buy homes right now, and if we legalized them, they would be able to buy up the overbuilt home markets. the issue is a supply and demand problem. we have more houses than people who want houses, thus prices go down. the overbuilt areas are the places immigrants tend to buy homes, and they almost never default so they're a safe loan. that would seriously help relieve the crisis.
day 4) Rest. After that hes pretty much God.
if you want to watch the video of him going more in depth you can see it here....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Congratulations Are In Order
As I Speak
But you don't want to sit there and listen to me talk about emotions. Let's get some facts down. The counting is underway, and exit polls predict Vermont going for Obama, while McCain has Kentucky. There are a number of battleground states such as Ohio, Indiana, and Virginia that are far too close to call, and even these all have less than 20% of their votes in. Nationwide numbers show Obama currendly ahead 53% to 46%. The polls should be closed nationwide by 11:00 EST, and we could have a new president as early as tomorrow morning. I'll try to keep this updated.
8:10 - Obama with 77 electoral votes, McCain with 34*
8:45 - Obama with 102 electoral votes, McCain with 34*
9:17 - Obama with 172 electoral votes, McCain with 64*
10:26 - Obama with 207 electoral votes, McCain with 135*
*according to exit polls
Monday, November 3, 2008
Too Much Excitement?
How will this election fair after the problems of the past two? Record voter turn out could create painfully long lines at voting stations, scores of first-time-voters, eager to participate in this landmark election, could be slowed by unfamiliar protocol, the sheer number of voters might cause low-tech stations to run out of ballot paper. This level of enthusiasm has already led to 3.4 million new voter registrations in battleground states, as opposed to 1.8m in 2004. Of course this phenomenon feeds right back into the ACORN controversy. But it seems that problems like new voter identification laws in many states and voting machine shortages in minority areas give us enough to worry about without considering fraud. Whatever concerns the American people may face tomorrow, apathy is most certainly not among them.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Health Care Doesn't Add Up
On CNN today, our Tim Kaine was on talking with Wolf Blitzer, and the governer of South Carolina. Tim Kaine, when showing how perfect Obamas' health care plan is, said that everyone will be able to get insurance just as good as they get in congress, and thats 50 million people who will need to improve their coverage. Further, It will cost the government ONLY 7,000 per person to do that. Thats when the SC governer chimned in to say that the math adds to 350 billion a year, so even with the customers paying the 300 billion, that comes out to a cost of 6,000 per person that the consumer must pay, which at that point, John McCain's 5,000 credit makes more sense. The bottom line is, it seems like Obama's health care will cost at least 350 billion a year. Therefore, the goverment is going to be piling up more debt keeping Americans with health care, but rampant inflation (as social security is in shambles) and now another 350 billion a year is the price we'll have to pay.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Obama's Ad
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Look Back
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Obama's Not Socialist?
i think Obama should bring socialism to America, and why wont he say so. does he think he'll lose votes? i don't. i think most people in America want socialism. The grass is always greener on the other side (of the ocean).
Monday, October 27, 2008
Rogue Agent Palin
Sunday, October 26, 2008
When Brian Williams asked governor Sarah Palin in an interview Thursday night "Is an abortion clinic bomber a terrorist, under this definition, governor?", he was giving her a no-brainer. Filler. I don't think that anyone honestly expected her to reply, "There's no question that Bill Ayers by his own admittance was one who sought to destroy our US Capitol and our Pentagon. That is a domestic terrorist. Now, others who would want to engage in harming innocent Americans or facilities that it would be unacceptable to... I don't know if you're gonna use the word 'terrorist' there."
Now, Palin, I don't care what your actual beliefs are. When you're asked in an interview if people who would kill American citizens for coercive purposes based around their own highly prejudices ideals are terrorists... You say yes. There's no room for 'I don't know.' But no, Palin hemmed and hawed, and eventually decided that the question was too hard. I guess they can't really be terrorists if she shares their beliefs.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Gaining Capital Gains
Where im going here is that in theory a raise in capital gains sounds nice, and makes sense (even to me). Unfortunatly, itll make a lot of upper class people kinda annoyed, since its essentially stealing more of their "hard earned" money, which they need to go to Mortons, and Ruth Chris every night. Sounds funny, but i had to pay capital gains tax the last few years, and its just down right annoying to make X dollars and then have to give some of it to the government. im pretty sure theres not much intrinsic value difference in the tax raise, but there's some emotional discomfort with big time investors who wont like it, and they'll have to spend more time finding loopholes, which is time could be spent making more money.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Global Picture
In a recent BBC poll, voters in each of the 22 countries studied preferred Obama to McCain, in an overall ratio of four to one. Almost half of these voters declared that thier view on the US would "fundamentally change" with Obama's election. This seems to fit with Colin Powell's theory that Obama's election would "electrify the world." Hopefully the world's hatred of Bush will be outwieghed by its love of Obama, and America's actions will reestablish its international legitimacy. But if not, maybe the fresh, modern, hip America that could elect Obama could also transform its own image. Electing him would sure help with that though.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Let's Go Shopping!

Politics Everywhere
This isnt the only unusual place though. I also saw some "campainging"(if you call it that) against McCain in an episode of family guy Sunday night. Some characters went back in time and killed a natzi to get his uniform. When he got the uniform he noticed a blue dot, and zoomed in. It was a McCain & Palin button, which they left zoomed in for a couple of seconds, which of course implies that natzies support John McCain. I was surprised that a funny cartoon which never so blatenly talks about current events, would mention politics.
At this point, you couldnt avoid things even if you tried. Every other add, is an Obama add or McCain add, McCain had adds up on youtube recently, and you cant even watch a baseball game without hearing about John McCain, and Barack Obama. I get that its the political season, and its the big thing these days, but have other elections been like this? It seems like literally everyone has some opinion on issues and the candidates, opposed to the usual vote for the democrat or vote for the republican.All this election fever makes me happy to see people actually looking at issues, and i hope voting non-partisanly, so that we can elect the president who will be able to make the majority of Americans satisfied.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Obama's mama's mama

Obama will take a break from his campaign Thursday to visit his sick grandmother in Hawaii. Evidently Obama values family over politics. Just kidding. He may love his grandmother, but this visit is political. He gets to show just how much free time he has, as his campaign is going so well. Really, it looks like this race is wrapped up. People are saying that Obama may have peaked too early, but they were saying that a week ago too. Obama's peaked, he will continue to peak, and he's gonna win the election.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Mark Warner Is For Real
Well, if you've watched tv recently, you'll notice a lot Mark Warner adds toting his "going across party lines" experience, as well as "being in touch" with the average Virginian. I was skeptical of his bi-partisan expierence, so I went onto a few websites, i saw he actually does talk,debate and work with republicans as well as other democrats, which gets the Brandan Zweig endorsment. He doesnt just do what the democrats are soppose to do, instead he does what he thinks is right by going to everyone(both parties) and getting it done, no matter which side of the aisle he works with. I think his track record of going across the aisle makes him the best candidate to actually help Virginians and not just his politcal career, which is why he's leading Jim Gilmore, 61% to 31% in the polls. not too bad huh?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Good News is Hard to Find
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Serious Support for McCain
Obama on the other hand, has always had the roaring crowds on his side. i remember when he came to Charlottesville a while ago, and the place would go crazy, whenever he said end the war in Iraq, Socialized medicine, or Renewable energy. it actually legitimately surprised me that his supports would be so genuinely excited over campaign promises without concrete plans. anyway, this turn of events in crowd excitement is something that could turn momentum for John McCain a little, but not enough to move the needles in my opinion.
Friday, October 17, 2008
The Newspaper Race
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A Strategy We Can't Believe In
- 61% of all registered voters, including 41% of Republicans, feel McCain spends more time attacking Obama than explaining how he would change the country as President.
- 63% of all registered voters feel Obama focuses more on explaination than attack. 42% of Republicans share that view.
The Final Debate
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
ACORN Commits Voter Fraud With Obama's Donation
Im not suggesting that Obama had anything to do with the Fraud, but im curious to see how it plays out. its an issue McCain can and probably will bring up in ads, rallies, maybe the debate even. I wonder how Obama will react, since he wont want to seperate himself to much from ACORN, but at the same time he'll want to make it a point he doesnt approve of voter fraud.
Tech Savy
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Palin's Ethical Violation
Obama Leads On All Major Issues
The Great Schlep
Friday, October 10, 2008
Economy part 2
Well, McCain has talked about buying home mortgages recently, but previously talked about letting the free market do its thing. the American public doesn't want to hear that, considering the free market is what got us into this supposedly. less government intervention would have prevented this situation. how ironic that were going to be getting more reguation when it was reguations that got us into this. to me, long term we need to let the market work, but short term we definitly need government help. Obama has talked about similar mortgage programs, and tax relief for middle class families. i believe that we shouldn't have more government in the long run,and Obama has been clear that he intends to turn us into a near socialist country, Yet, i think that McCain is been pretty flip-floppy and he would do a awful job dealing with these problems. therefore, i would rather have Obama than McCain, but really neither of them have plans that i believe are really good in the long run, but i'd be willing to take a chance on the long run for the short term fixes....hmm that sounds familiar.
Understanding What Happened To The Economy
It all started back in 2003/2004, when home values were skyrocketing. How great was it when you could buy a home and watch it go up 10-15% a year endlessly? was really really great. so with this idea, congress decided to deregulate the mortgage industry by allow sub-prime mortgages to be given out like welfare checks. if you wanted a house and had a couple bucks and a job, BAM!! you got yourself a house. Great idea since the real estate market was skyrocketing. this bill was backed strongly by democrats Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank. the loans allowed consumers to pay a low low interest rate for the first 5 years..and then it would adjust to the current interest rate after 5 years, and go like this for 30 years. its called adjustable rate mortgage. Hey, whats 2003+5...2008. hey, that's when the people couldn't pay their loans, since know they had to pay way more money than before. back to 2003. anyway, with pressure from congress since they're essentially government owned, Fannie mae and Freddie Mac, as well as the very sneaky Indie Mac started throwing these mortgages out like crazy, but the Wall st. mortgage houses, WaMa, Wachovia, etc dint. why not?(think for a sec) It was becuase these people weren't going to be able to afford it 5 years down the road, and those loans were WAY to much risk. after watching Fannie Mae and such, they realized when Fannie Mae goes bankrupt in 2008, where gonna have a financial crisis and they'll get bailed out. therefore, if they partake in this risky business, best case, the people make their loans and worst case they get bailed out by the government since theyll be willing to bail these companies out becuase of the magnitude. i have to finish this later...more to come
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Let's Define 'Never'
I Like Those Odds
Debate II
Supposedly, McCain is a master of Town Meeting body language, and really knows how to appeal to an audience. Like a puppeteer of the populace, he doesn't work a room, he let's the room work him. But in Nashville, he seemed old, stiff, and out of touch, like a confused patitent in a retirement home. He wandered around the stage during Obama's responses, often walking in front of the camera, and interrupted the Illinois senator with snide remarks which fell flat with live audience. To his credit, McCain did interact personally with the questioners from the outset, a tactic which Obama quickly picked up on. Yet overall, McCain's performance emphasized the generation gap, not only with Obama, but with some of America's most commited voters. The wierd grandfather personna he has developed was epitmoized with his referal to Obama as "that one."
For all McCain's shortcomings, Barak Obama was not stellar. He, like his running mate Joe Biden in his face-off with Sarah Palin, was adequate. He seemed knowledgeable and composed, and had a rather presidential demeanor. Most of all though, he just looked better than McCain.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Welcome to USAP Lovin'
Thank you for choosing USAP Lovin' as your source for all things Election 2008. I humbly commend your choice. We have assembled a crack team of political analysts eager to suit your needs as a voter, or simply as a keen follower of the governmental process. As the race for the White House is already nearing its peak, we will waste no time in our coverage. Rest assured, now that USAP Lovin' is off the ground, election breakdown will commence at once.
Again, welcome, and I sincerely hope you will turn to us for all your election needs.