Thursday, November 6, 2008

Help Me - You're My Only Hope

During its election coverage, CNN debuted some state-of-the-art hologram technology. On another day (like today, for example), this would have been some important stuff. But while everyone was occupied with the big news of the Obama victory, this little development understandably fell by the wayside. I think die-hard Star Wars fans probably appreciated it, though. What really gets me about this whole situation is that after the CNN team showed off its new machine with reporter Jessica Yellin, they set up a hologram of What business does have being the second person ever on televised hologram? Sure he composed a memorable and inspiring song for the Obama campaign, but he was also featured on Fergalicious. Oh well. I guess somebody needed to be the first musician to appear on live tv hologram, and who better than "heartbreaker" and composer, along with Hans Zimmer, of the score for what's sure to be the smash hit of the year, "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa?" Now that this election is over and much of the landmark news is gone, the networks need some other way to grab the ratings. Or at least it really looks that way.


ps - I really like that dance move he does at the end of the interview.


  1. watch for's new song and video on friday, nov 7-

  2. Did you see Jon Stewart's take of the CNN holograms on the Daily Show? hilarious.
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